Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's Tuesday.

My day went suprisingly well. I'm almost a bit concerned about it, really, as i rarely have this decent of a day. I should really take days off more often than this, it's a beautiful thing. Dangerously beautiful.

I'll start with yesterday, because it was alrighty. i woke up much too early, all i wanted to do is go back to sleep. i stayed home, slept until about 11, made lunch and watched Perfume, which is completely insane. then i went upstairs with a huge bowl of cookies and cream ice cream laced with four or five oreos to watch Shaun of the Dead to get me in a better mood. That is one seriously hilarious movie. Then on to the Grocery with Vati, then to Sam's to get a huge thing of nuts because my Vati's an insane nut-eater, and then back home.

Today was much more exciting, i suppose one would say.

In First Hour we watched a Nighline Documentary about "the Lost Boys", about these refugees from the Sudan or whateva. It was pretty interesting, we watched it to get an idea of what culture shock can be, and they had a severe case of culture shock. it was much more interesting to hear their stories of what they'd been through, because they'd seen so much death and so much gore, it was horrible. here's a bit of their story that i found on youtube. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must've been like for them, growing up, simply surviving, with virtually no hope left, danger around every corner, whether it be from guns and people or from claws and lions. When i think about what they've been through i just feel fat and lazy, and it makes me want to do something. But what the fuck can i do? I'm a seventeen year old girl from Wisconsin. What sort of part do i play in the world right now? the answer is that, basically, i don't.

Second hour, Mr Wolcott, the French sub, was there, and he wrote our daily directions on the board IN CODE! He's completely insane, but it's cool. it switched things up a bit, yo. we had to read these really fucked over short stories: One was about this girl named Faye and it was basically part of a raunchy love novel; i thought the "tanned Texan" named Rai or whateva was gonna toss her down and have his way with her at any moment. I was a bit alarmed that we were even reading something like that in class, when i got to the next story. This one was about a woman who was severely depressed and/or psychotic, and therefore needed to be druged and sleep basically all day. in the end of the story her husband walks into her room and finds her dead, which was a nice end to the shitty story about her miserable plight of psychonosity.

Also in Miller's, Reb and Beav got the skit about "decorum" finished. a link is here. It's motherfucking hilarious. PRAISE JESUS!!

Third hour was spent nearly getting kicked out of the Library while planning my Road Trip with Josh. I'm totes Excited, mostly to see Lusk, Seattle, San Fran and Everything on the way to and at Vegas. The LMC whatsit people, the ladies that go "SHH! THIS IS A LIBRARY!" to everyone and threaten to send us back to Study Hall, they were especially grumpy today, which is a switch from last Friday, when we discussed at full volume our road trip with them. Perhaps they need to get laid.

Fourth hour was exceptional, as i had anoter substitute, this one being the South African, Logan Naidoo, who can balance desks and chairs on his finger. We spent all hour "studying", which consitsted of listening to him ramble on about how teaching was his second choice, his first being a writer, but all the writers in South Africa at that time were being brutally abused and such for talking bad about the South African Government and such, which is horrible. When he was eight or five or something like that he moved to England until he was 21, then he came here. he's still a citizen of South Africa, because SA is one of the only countries that doesn't allow joint citizenship, and so he chooses to be a legal alien here, and a citizen there, even though he hasn't lived there in forever and a day. But we had fun listening to him go on and watching him balance things. Tomorrow i have a test in that class, which is horrifying. i hate tests. Especially tests on Law and such like that, because i always blank out and fail.

In Brit Lit we've begun Beowulf, the epic poem-story about a boring egotistical asshole who rips off a monster's arm and hangs it on his cieling. I felt for the monster. The story is indeed epic, but seriously boring. I want to read Oscar Wilde. Miss Sylvester mentioned him today, because one of the Lost Boys asked why men don't hold hands when they walk down the street, because apparently it's common there, showing affection (which i think is seriously awesome) like that, and Sylv. said that it likely was made taboo when Oscar Wilde's trial about his homosexuality was made public and homophobia started. It made me really want to read some Oscar wilde. Which is why i've included so many links to his work and photos and such.

This one's my favourite.

Anyhoo. Dad really hates the cunt what he works with. He came home a bit early for lunch and i asked him how work was going and he was like "i don't even want to talk about it." I'm about ready to go in there and brutally murder Shelly or whatever the fuck her name is. she's a cunt!

In French i nodded off during this horrible movie called Sabrina. The original has Audrey Hepburn in it, but we didn't watch the original, and i wanted to kill myself because the girl was really annoying in the beginning. But instead of killing myself i fell asleep. It's hard not to in a class with all the lights off and no windows.

French, though it is indeed my favourite class and i love madame to pieces, is getting me mowhere fast. i feel like i know nothing, and the German foreign exchange student Patrick, who's had six or so years of Froggie, showed me that miserably. So i'm going to dig about for my library card (or possibly drag dad over there to get a new one...do i have to pay for it?) and pop down to the Libby to get those discs that you repeat after so that i can brush up. Et aussi, i want to learn Spanish, German, and whatever else looks good over there. Then i can put that on my resume, if i ever go anywhere and get a job that requires me to speak a different language. Which i doubt will ever happen, but you never know.

In Maths i fucked about with Ray and made fun of Jordan because he's totes gay. I don't have anything against gays, in fact i love them, but it's just funny because he doesn't know he's gay. So we do the forty-year-old-virgin quote, "you wanna know how i know you're gay?" The teacher was totes out to get us today but Hairo totally stuck up for us. I was like "Note to self: stick up for Hairo if at all possible". It was totes sweet.

After school, Jeff wanted to do something today, but i really just felt like coming home and veggin out, niggas. Seriously. Dad and i went to DQ for dinner because he had a leftover giftcard, and it was a lot of fun. Well, it was a nice dinner, at least. He never once mentioned any of my problems, he was mostly focused on his own. which was depressing but quite a nice change. He really hates his work. I'm tempted to go in there and be like "listen up, cunts, be nice to my daddy or i'll sodomize you with a blow dryer!!!" hahahah i totally just made that up on the spot and it's bloody brilliant, if i don't say so myself. I'm sure the lack of you will agree. But really, i just feel so damn bad for the guy. I mean, he just fucking lost his wife, the least the cunt could be to him is civil. If this keeps up i'll go in there and bitch them out. Cunts.

Speaking of cunts, Rays is out of business. Which sucks my nonexistant cock and hairy ballz. Why? beacuse Bee is putting her foot down with a firm hand or something. i unno really. and she won't tell me who's supposed to take it over. she's such a fuckface sometimes, but i love her still.

Also dad informed me of an acronym for cunt:

C U Next Tuesday. I thought it was brilliant. I'm totally going to use it, because i can go around shouting it at school like some sort of loon on loon tablets and no-one will know.

Well off i go to feed my face some more before blowing off my homework then going to beddy.

Das ist alles for now, folks. Gute nacht, bon soir, erm...ciao.