Thursday, November 15, 2007

English Tea in an Asian Cup

Indeed, my friends, i am currently, while listening to You Could Have It So Much Better by Franz, drinking English tea out of a cup which if i'm correcto came from China, which i brewed in a Japanese cast-iron pot which my sister sent me for my birthday. I feel really stupid. i should be drinking green tea! sigh...

My dad's back is so bad today that he finally cracked and went to a chiropractor, which is amazing. My dad neverever goes anywhere, let alone a doctor. So i'm likely staying home from coffee with Caleb (sounds like a daytime television series) because feck knows if i don't, dadl'' need me for some reason or another and then he'll have to get up or something. Or he'll just take it as a slap in the face and an "i don't bloody care that your back hurts, bitch, imonna do what i want. ohsnap" or something. Which sucks huge ballz, as i wanted to go tonight. It would've been fun. And tomorrow and the day after that and likely the day after as well, i shall be busy. Like a busy thing on to-do tablets.

This tea is beginning to get disgusting. I wish i had some green tea. Or some money to go and buy some green tea. Or a pally who would bring me some green tea.

I think i'm revisiting my Simon and Garfunkel kick. I can't stop listening to America, and this'll be the second time through on the list of S & G songs on my computer. I took a short Franz break, of course, which is slightly along the same lines of a cigarette break, but since it's too cold out currently, i'll settle for Franz.

Greyson is simply adorable. He posted a bulletin today of him describing the scene in what appeared to be some sort of computer room at his school... it was so awesome. It's what the rest of us are thinking, but he says it. I love people like that. Like Tony in my Intro to Law class... He makes these really strange noises and says the strangest things in the middle of class... they're like those little squeaky noises that you can make by putting your lip against your teeth and gently sucking in the air, the noise people make when they're usually at home, bored, and completely out of it.
It's not like anything else.

And so i shall go and be depressed all on my owney. guten abent.

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