Sunday, November 18, 2007

This is the Strangest Life I've Ever Known.

I'm in an amazing mood this morning. I feel like perhaps, because i'm so damn good at it, i should indeed be a mum. But for now i'll settle for being the greatest Auntie Kayli in the history of the universe.
I put on a bunch of music and Riley and Ty and i just danced about maniacally for a couple hours.

Now Ty's down and i'm making some mac & cheese for Riley and i...
So anyway. I've left the computer like 80 million times and now i'm back, riley's sitting watching Meet The Robinsons again while eating yet another sucker...
I love it.

If you've never seen Meet the Robinsons, you should definitely make it a point to see it, because it's grrrreat! i really like the soundtrack, as well.
I don't know that i'll be playing any shows this weekend...i just don't really feel up to it. I feel like the band needs more practise....and a NAME! I found out that Lustra is indeed a real band. Which is crap. Not the band, but the fact that they are indeed a real band. In real life. It makes me sad, because they've got an awesome name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.